conversion rate optimization best practice

The 20 Conversion Rate Optimization Best Practices

Conversion rate optimization best practice is the most competitive process of improving the performance of a website in terms of converting visitors into customers. How to increase conversion rate is a very common concern but silent competition for online businesses. The most familiar name of the conversion process is called CRO in marketing technology.

Whether you have a blogging website, online eCommerce store, b2b website, or any sort of special landing page-centric lead conversion effort, you must have a similar concern and competition on how to increase conversion rate optimizing the whole process of marketing or sales funnels. That’s why CRO is a cutting-edge process to achieve the goal.

Businesses need to focus on CRO because it can have a significant impact on revenue and growth. Here are some of the reasons why CRO is important:

1. Increases revenue: By increasing the conversion rate of a website, businesses can increase the number of sales and revenue.

2. Cost-effective: CRO is a cost-effective way to improve the performance of a website, as it focuses on improving the existing traffic rather than acquiring new traffic.

3. Provides data-driven insights: CRO provides data-driven insights into user behavior and preferences, which can help businesses make informed decisions about website design and marketing strategies.

4. Improves user experience: CRO focuses on improving the user experience, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

5. Increases ROI: By increasing the conversion rate of a website, businesses can increase the return on investment (ROI) from their digital marketing efforts.

6. Can improve SEO: CRO can also improve SEO, as a website that is optimized for conversions is also likely to be optimized for search engines.

According to conversion rate fact state, the top-performing websites have conversion rates of 11%. The average conversion rates for various devices are as follows: 1.53% for smartphones, 3.36% for tablets, and 4.14% for desktops.

Overall, CRO is a valuable investment for businesses that want to improve the performance of their website and drive more sales and revenue.

In terms of meeting the higher CRO of your online business, let’s pay a stunning dive into the CRO processes and how to know the definitive ways for improved revenue.

20 Effective Ways To Improve Conversion Rates on Website

Here are the 20 effective ways to improve the conversion rate on your website:

1. A/B Testing

A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a method of testing in which two versions of a web page (version A and version B) are shown to users at random, and the results are compared to determine which version performs better. A/B testing can be used to improve conversion rate optimization (CRO) by allowing you to make data-driven decisions about how to optimize your website.

Here are the steps to A/B testing for CRO:

AB Testing for CRO
A/B Testing is essential for better CRO

1.1. Identify the goal of the test

Define the specific conversion event you want to improve, such as increasing sign-ups or purchases.

1.2. Choose the element to test

Decide on the specific element of the page you want to test, such as the headline, call-to-action button, or product image.

1.3. Create the variations

 Create two versions of the page, with the chosen element changed in one version.

1.4. Set up the test

Use a tool such as Google Analytics or Optimizely to randomly show the two versions of the page to different users.

1.5. Measure the results

Track the conversion rate for each version of the page, and use statistical significance tests to determine if the difference in conversion rates is statistically significant.

1.6. Make a decision

If one version of the page performs significantly better, implement that version permanently. If the results are inconclusive, you can try testing a different element or variations of the same element.

1.7. Repeat the process

Continue A/B testing different elements of your website to improve the conversion rate over time.

It’s important to note that A/B testing requires a significant amount of traffic to produce reliable results, and you should test one element at a time, so you can isolate the impact of each change. Also, it’s important to have a proper sample size and duration for the test to be accurate.

2. Simplifying The User Interface

Simplifying the user interface (UI) can improve conversion rate optimization (CRO) in several ways:

2.1. Improving usability

A simple and intuitive UI makes it easier for users to navigate the website and find what they are looking for, which can increase the likelihood that they will complete a desired action, such as making a purchase.

2.2. Reducing cognitive overload

A cluttered and complex UI can cause cognitive overload for users, making it difficult for them to process information and make decisions. Simplifying the UI can help users focus on the most important information and reduce decision-making friction.

2.3. Enhancing aesthetics

A clean and visually pleasing UI can create a positive first impression, which can increase users’ confidence in the website and their willingness to engage with it.

2.4. Improving accessibility

A simple UI can make it easier for users with disabilities to access and interact with the website, which can help increase the overall conversion rate.

2.5. Enhancing mobile-friendliness

A simple UI that is optimized for smaller screens can improve the mobile browsing experience, which can help increase conversions from mobile users.

To simplify the UI, consider removing unnecessary elements, using white space effectively, and using consistent and clear design elements such as typography, color, and imagery. Also, testing the UI with real users and gathering feedback can give insights for further improvements.

3. Enhancing Website Speed and Performance

Enhancing website speed and performance can improve conversion rate optimization (CRO) in several ways:

3.1. Improving user experience

A fast-loading website provides a better user experience, which can increase the likelihood that users will stay on the website longer and complete a desired action, such as making a purchase.

3.2. Reducing bounce rate

A slow-loading website can cause users to quickly leave the website, which can increase the bounce rate. Enhancing website speed can reduce the bounce rate and increase the likelihood that users will engage with the website.

3.3. Improving SEO

Website speed is a ranking factor for search engines, so a fast-loading website can improve search engine optimization (SEO) and increase the website’s visibility in search results, which can drive more traffic to the website.

3.4. Improving mobile-friendliness

A fast-loading website that is optimized for mobile devices can improve the mobile browsing experience, which can help increase conversions from mobile users.

To enhance website speed and performance, consider optimizing images and other media, minifying code, and using a content delivery network (CDN).

Also, you can check the website performance using website speed test tools such as Google PageSpeed Insights, GTmetrix, etc. to identify specific areas that need improvement.

4. Improving Website Navigation

Improving website navigation can help increase conversion rate optimization (CRO) in several ways:

4.1. Improving user experience

Clear and intuitive navigation makes it easier for users to find the information they are looking for, which can increase the likelihood that they will stay on the website longer and complete a desired action, such as making a purchase.

4.2. Reducing bounce rate

Confusing or difficult-to-use navigation can cause users to quickly leave the website, which can increase the bounce rate. Improving navigation can reduce the bounce rate and increase the likelihood that users will engage with the website.

4.3. Increasing discoverability

Clear and well-organized navigation can make it easier for users to discover new products or services, which can increase the likelihood that they will make a purchase.

4.4. Improving accessibility

Clear and intuitive navigation can make it easier for users with disabilities to access and interact with the website, which can help increase the overall conversion rate.

To improve website navigation, consider using a clear and consistent navigation structure, using clear and descriptive labels, and providing multiple navigation options, such as search and site maps. Also, testing the navigation with real users and gathering feedback can give insights for further improvements.

5. Creating Compelling Product Descriptions

Creating compelling product descriptions can help improve conversion rate optimization (CRO) by making it more likely that users will make a purchase. Here are some ways to create compelling product descriptions:

5.1. Use a persuasive and active voice

Use words and phrases that encourage users to take action, such as “buy now” or “limited-time offer.”

5.2. Highlight key features and benefits

 Clearly and concisely describe the key features and benefits of the product.

5.3. Use descriptive and relevant keywords

Use keywords that accurately describe the product and that users may use when searching for similar products.

5.4. Include customer reviews and ratings

Including customer reviews and ratings can help build trust and credibility for the product.

5.5. Use images and videos

Use high-quality images and videos to supplement the product description and give users a better sense of what the product looks like and how it works.

5.6. Use storytelling

Use storytelling techniques to create an emotional connection with the customer and make the product more relatable.

5.7. Use scarcity

Use scarcity techniques such as limited-time offers or limited stock to create a sense of urgency and encourage users to make a purchase.

5.8. Be honest and transparent

Be honest and transparent about the product, its features, and any limitations it may have.

It’s important to note that product descriptions should be written with the target audience in mind and they should be visually appealing and easy to scan. Also, testing different versions of product descriptions and analyzing the results can give insights into what works best.

6. Offering A Clear and Prominent Call To Action

A call to action (CTA) is a button or link on a web page that prompts users to take a specific action, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or downloading a resource. The impact of CTA on conversion rate optimization (CRO) is significant, as it can directly influence the likelihood that users will complete a desired action. Here are some ways to improve CTA:

conversion rate optimization

6.1. Make it clear and prominent

 The CTA should be clear and prominently displayed, so users can easily see it and know what action they should take.

6.2. Use action-oriented language

Use action-oriented language such as “buy now,” “Subscribe,” or “download” to encourage users to take action.

6.3. Use contrasting colors

Use contrasting colors for the CTA button, to make it stand out from the rest of the page.

6.4. Make it consistent

 The CTA should be consistent with the overall message and design of the page, to create a seamless user experience.

6.5. Test different versions

Test different versions of the CTA, such as different text, color, size, and placement, to see which version performs the best.

6.6. Make it specific

Be specific about the benefits of the action, it will help the user to understand what they will get by clicking the CTA.

6.7. Provide a sense of urgency

Use phrases like “limited time offer” or “only a few left” to create a sense of urgency and encourage users to take action.

6.8. Make it mobile-friendly

Make sure that the CTA is easy to tap on mobile devices.

6.9. Make it accessible

Make sure the CTA is accessible to users with disabilities by using proper alt-text, labels, and ARIA roles.

It’s important to note that, a CTA should be placed in a spot that makes sense based on the user’s journey and it should be easy to find, read and interact with. Also, testing different versions of the CTA to see which version performs the best is important to improve CRO.

7. Providing Customer Reviews And Testimonials

Customer reviews and testimonials can be a powerful tool to improve conversion rate optimization (CRO) by building trust and credibility with potential customers. Here are some ways to create a better customer review process and testimonials that improve CRO:

7.1. Make it easy for customers to leave reviews

Make it easy for customers to leave reviews, by providing clear instructions and links to review platforms such as Google, Yelp, or your website.

7.2. Respond to reviews

Respond to reviews, both positive and negative, in a timely and professional manner. This shows that you value customer feedback and are committed to addressing any issues.

7.3. Use reviews and testimonials on your website

Display reviews and testimonials prominently on your website, such as on product pages or in a dedicated “reviews” section.

7.4. Use rich snippets

Use rich snippets to make your reviews stand out in search results and increase visibility.

7.5. Use reviews and testimonials in marketing campaigns

Use reviews and testimonials in marketing campaigns, such as email marketing or social media, to build trust and credibility with potential customers.

7.6. Use photos and videos

Use photos and videos in reviews and testimonials, to make them more engaging and relatable.

7.7. Use reviews and testimonials to identify and address pain points

Use reviews and testimonials to identify and address pain points, such as product defects or poor customer service, to improve the customer experience.

7.8. Make it easy to share

Make it easy for customers to share their reviews on social media or other platforms.

It’s important to note that, it’s important to have a process in place to gather reviews, and also to have a plan on how to handle negative reviews. Also, it’s essential to be transparent about the reviews by showing both positive and negative reviews.

8. Implementing Live Chat or Chatbots

Live chat and chatbots can be powerful tools to improve conversion rate optimization (CRO) by providing customers with quick and convenient access to customer service. Here are some ways to implement better live chat or chatbots for improved CRO:

8.1. Make it easily accessible

Position the live chat or chatbot button prominently on the website, such as in the header or footer, to make it easy for customers to find and use.

8.2. Use personalized greetings

Use personalized greetings to make the customer feel more welcome and valued.

8.3. Use proactive chat

Use proactive chat to initiate a chat with a customer based on their behavior on the website, such as when they’ve been browsing for a certain amount of time or when they’ve shown interest in a specific product.

8.4. Use chatbots for simple inquiries

Use chatbots for simple inquiries, such as answering frequently asked questions or providing product information, to save customers time.

8.5. Use live chat for more complex inquiries

Use live chat for more complex inquiries, such as troubleshooting technical issues or handling complaints, to provide customers with the best possible service.

8.6. Use a chatbot to capture leads

Use a chatbot to capture leads by asking for contact information and qualifying leads by asking questions

8.7. Use a chatbot to guide customers

Use a chatbot to guide the customer through the buying process and make personalized recommendations.

8.8. Use analytics

Use analytics to track the performance of live chat and chatbot, such as response time and customer satisfaction, to identify and address any issues.

It’s important to note that, having a clear strategy in place and setting expectations for the chatbot or live chat service is important for the customer. And also, training the chatbot or the live chat team to handle customers’ inquiries in a professional and friendly manner is important to improve CRO.

9. Making The Website Mobile-friendly

A mobile-friendly website can have a significant impact on conversion rate optimization (CRO) by providing customers with a better browsing experience on mobile devices. Here are some ways a mobile-friendly website can impact CRO:

9.1. Improves user experience

A mobile-friendly website provides a better user experience on mobile devices, which can increase the likelihood that users will stay on the website longer and complete a desired action, such as making a purchase.

9.2. Increases reach

 With more and more users accessing the internet from mobile devices, a mobile-friendly website can increase the website’s reach and attract more customers.

9.3. Improves search engine ranking

 Google and other search engines prioritize mobile-friendly websites in their mobile search results, which can improve the website’s visibility and drive more traffic to the website.

9.4. Increases conversions

A mobile-friendly website can make it easier for users to navigate, interact with and complete a desired action on a smaller screen, which can increase the overall conversion rate.

9.5. Improves accessibility

A mobile-friendly website can make it easier for users with disabilities to access and interact with the website, which can help increase the overall conversion rate.

9.6. Enhances mobile-specific functionality

A mobile-friendly website can take advantage of mobile-specific functionality, such as click-to-call buttons, location-based services, and mobile payment options.

To make a website mobile-friendly, you can use responsive web design, which allows the website to adapt to different screen sizes, or use a mobile-specific design, with separate designs for desktop and mobile devices. Also, testing the website on different mobile devices and browsers to ensure that it looks and works correctly is crucial.

10. Offering A Clear And Secure Checkout Process

A clear and secure checkout process is important for conversion rate optimization (CRO) because it can directly influence the likelihood that users will complete a purchase. Here are some ways that a clear and secure checkout process can improve CRO:

10.1. Improves user experience

A clear and easy-to-use checkout process makes it easier for users to complete a purchase, which can increase the likelihood that they will complete a purchase.

10.2. Increases trust and confidence

A secure checkout process that includes measures such as SSL encryption, a secure payment gateway, and a clear privacy policy can increase trust and confidence in the website, which can increase the likelihood that users will complete a purchase.

10.3. Reduces cart abandonment

A clear and easy-to-use checkout process can reduce cart abandonment, which can increase the overall conversion rate.

10.4. Increases mobile-friendliness

A mobile-friendly checkout process that is optimized for smaller screens can improve the mobile browsing experience, which can help increase conversions from mobile users.

10.5. Enhances upselling and cross-selling

A clear and easy-to-use checkout process can make it easier for users to add or upgrade to additional products or services, which can increase revenue.

To make a checkout process clear and secure, you can use a simple and easy-to-use checkout form, provide clear instructions, make sure the process is mobile-friendly, and provide clear security and privacy policies.

Also, testing the checkout process with real users and gathering feedback can give insights for further improvements. And using a secure payment gateway is crucial to make sure the financial data of the customer is safe and protected.

11. Creating A Sense of Urgency

Creating a sense of urgency can be an important strategy for conversion rate optimization (CRO) because it can motivate users to take action quickly. Here are some ways that creating a sense of urgency can improve CRO:

CRO best practice
Best practice CRO includes Sense of Urgency

11.1. Increases likelihood of conversion

Creating a sense of urgency can increase the likelihood that users will complete a desired action, such as making a purchase, because they feel like they need to act quickly to take advantage of a limited-time offer or avoid missing out on a deal.

11.2. Reduces decision-making friction

Creating a sense of urgency can reduce decision-making friction by making it clear to users that they need to act quickly to take advantage of a limited-time offer or a deal.

11.3. Increases the perceived value of the product

Creating a sense of urgency can increase the perceived value of the product because users feel like they are getting a good deal or a limited-time offer.

11.4. Enhances upselling and cross-selling

Creating a sense of urgency can make it easier for users to add or upgrade to additional products or services, as they feel like they need to act quickly to take advantage of a limited-time offer.

11.5. Increases the sense of scarcity

Creating a sense of urgency by using phrases such as “limited time offer” or “only a few left” can increase the sense of scarcity, which can motivate users to take action quickly. To create a sense of urgency, you can use techniques such as limited-time.

12. Offering A Sense of Exclusivity

Offering a sense of exclusivity can be an important strategy for conversion rate optimization (CRO) because it can make users feel special and more likely to take action. Here are some ways that offering a sense of exclusivity can improve CRO:

12.1. Increases perceived value

Offering a sense of exclusivity can increase the perceived value of the product or service, as users feel like they are getting something that is not available to everyone.

12.2. Increases trust and loyalty

 Offering a sense of exclusivity can increase trust and loyalty among customers, as they feel like they are part of an exclusive group or community.

12.3. Increases social proof

Offering a sense of exclusivity can increase social proof, as users see that others are part of the exclusive group or community and are more likely to take action.

12.4. Increases urgency

Offering a sense of exclusivity can increase urgency, as users feel like they need to act quickly to take advantage of a limited-time offer or a deal that is only available to a select group of people.

12.5. Enhances customer retention

Offering a sense of exclusivity can enhance customer retention, as users feel like they are part of a special group and are more likely to stay loyal to the brand.

To create a sense of exclusivity, you can use techniques such as offering a VIP program, creating a loyalty program, or offering a limited-edition product. Also, using words such as “exclusive”, “limited”, “select” etc. on your website or marketing campaigns can create a sense of exclusivity.

13. Creating A Sense of Scarcity

Creating a sense of scarcity can be an important strategy for conversion rate optimization (CRO) because it can motivate users to take action quickly. Here are some ways to create a sense of scarcity for improved CRO:

13.1. Use limited-time offers

Creating a sense of scarcity by offering a limited-time deal or promotion can motivate users to take action quickly before the offer expires.

13.2. Use limited stock

Creating a sense of scarcity by indicating that there is a limited quantity of a product or service available can motivate users to take action quickly before the product or service runs out.

13.3. Use countdown timers

 Creating a sense of scarcity by using countdown timers to show how much time is left for an offer to expire can motivate users to take action quickly.

13.4. Use "sold out" labels

Creating a sense of scarcity by using “sold out” labels on products or services that are no longer available can motivate users to take action quickly to avoid missing out.

13.5. Use "limited availability" labels

Creating a sense of scarcity by using “limited availability” labels on products or services that are in high demand can motivate users to take action quickly.

13.6. Use scarcity in email campaigns

Creating a sense of scarcity by using scarcity in email campaigns by highlighting limited-time offers, limited stock, or other scarcity elements can motivate users to take action quickly.

It’s important to note that creating a sense of scarcity should be done ethically.

14. Building A Sense Of Authority

Creating a sense of authority can be an important strategy for conversion rate optimization (CRO) because it can increase trust and credibility, which can lead to more conversions. Here are some ways to create a sense of authority to improve CRO:

14.1. Use expert testimonials

Including testimonials from experts in your field can increase trust and credibility, and show that others in the industry believe in your product or service.

14.2. Use social proof

Including social proof such as customer reviews, ratings, and case studies can increase trust and credibility by showing that others have had a positive experience with your product or service.

14.3. Use certifications and awards

Displaying certifications, awards, and other accreditations on your website can increase trust and credibility by showing that your product or service has been recognized by others in the industry.

14.4. Use professional design

Having a professional and well-designed website can increase trust and credibility by showing that you take your business seriously and that you are committed to providing a high-quality product or service.

14.5. Use a consistent and professional tone

Using a consistent and professional tone in your website copy and marketing materials can increase trust and credibility by showing that you are an expert in your field.

14.6. Use industry-specific language

Using industry-specific language can increase trust and credibility by showing that you have a deep understanding of your field.

14.7. Use statistics and data

Including statistics and data can increase trust and credibility by showing that your claims are backed by evidence.

It’s important to note that, creating a sense of authority should be done honestly and transparently, and it should be consistent across all the touchpoints of the customer journey.

15. Creating A Sense of Trust

Creating a sense of trust is essential for conversion rate optimization (CRO) because it can directly influence the likelihood that users will complete a desired action, such as making a purchase. Here are some ways to create a sense of trust to improve CRO:

15.1. Use customer testimonials

Including customer testimonials on your website can increase trust by showing that others have had a positive experience with your product or service.

15.2. Use social proof

Including social proof such as customer reviews, ratings, and case studies can increase trust by showing that others have had a positive experience with your product or service.

15.3. Use a professional design

Having a professional and well-designed website can increase trust by showing that you take your business seriously and that you are committed to providing a high-quality product or service.

15.4. Use a clear and comprehensive privacy policy

Having a clear and comprehensive privacy policy can increase trust by showing that you take the privacy and security of your customers seriously.

15.5. Use clear and transparent pricing

 Having clear and transparent pricing can increase trust by showing that you are upfront and honest about the cost of your product or service.

15.6. Use security badges and trust seals

Displaying security badges and trust seals on your website can increase trust by showing that your website is secure and that your customers’ sensitive information will be protected.

15.7. Use human photos

Including human photos on your website can increase trust by showing that there are real people behind your business.

15.8. Make it easy to contact you

Having clear and accessible contact information can increase trust by showing that you are available to help and answer any questions.

It’s important to note that creating a sense of trust should be done honestly and transparently and should be consistent across all the touchpoints of the customer journey.

16. Building A Sense of Social Proof

Social proof is a powerful tool for conversion rate optimization (CRO) as it can increase trust and credibility, which can lead to more conversions. Here are some ways to develop a sense of social proof to improve CRO:

best practice CRO
An intuitive indicator for better CRO

16.1. Use customer testimonials

Including customer testimonials on your website can increase trust by showing that others have had a positive experience with your product or service.

16.2. Use customer reviews

Including customer reviews on your website can increase trust by showing that others have had a positive experience with your product or service.

16.3. Use case studies

Including case studies on your website can increase trust by showing that others have had success with your product or service.

16.4. Use social media

 Using social media to showcase customer experiences, reviews, and engagement can increase trust by showing that others have had a positive experience with your product or service.

16.5. Use influencer marketing

Partnering with influencers in your industry can increase trust by showing that others in the industry believe in your product or service.

16.6. Use numbers

Including numbers such as the number of customers, the number of positive reviews, or the number of years in business can increase trust by showing that others have had a positive experience with your product or service.

16.7 Use badges and awards

Including badges and awards can increase trust by showing that others in the industry have recognized the quality of your product or service.

It’s important to note that, social proof should be consistent across all the touchpoints of the customer journey, it should be authentic, and it should be updated frequently to be effective. Also, highlighting the most recent and relevant social proof will be more impactful.

17. Creating A Sense of Likability

Creating a strong sense of likability can be an important strategy for conversion rate optimization (CRO) because it can increase trust and credibility, which can lead to more conversions. Here are some ways to create a strong sense of likability to improve CRO:

17.1. Use storytelling

Use storytelling to create an emotional connection with your audience by showing how your product or service can help them solve a problem or improve their lives.

17.2. Use humor

Use humor to create a more lighthearted and approachable tone that can help to build a connection with your audience.

17.3. Use relatable images and videos

Use relatable images and videos that showcase real people and real-life situations that your audience can relate to.

17.4. Use a friendly and approachable tone

Use a friendly and approachable tone in your website copy and marketing materials to create a more likable and relatable image.

17.5. Use customer-centric language

Use customer-centric language to show that you understand and care about the needs of your customers.

17.6. Show your values

Show your values and what you stand for, this can help to create a sense of likability by showing that you are a company that is committed to making a positive impact.

17.7. Use brand personality

Develop a brand personality that aligns with your target audience and that is consistent across all touchpoints of the customer journey.

It’s important to note that creating a sense of likability should be consistent across all the touchpoints of the customer journey and should be authentic. Also, showing empathy and understanding the customer’s pain points can help to create a strong sense of likability.

18. Building A Sense of Believability

Creating a sense of believability is essential for conversion rate optimization (CRO) because it can increase trust and credibility, which can lead to more conversions. Here are some ways to create a sense of believability to improve CRO:

18.1. Use third-party validation

 Use third-party validation such as industry awards, certifications, or media coverage to show that others in the industry believe in your product or service.

18.2. Use data and statistics

Use data and statistics to back up your claims and show that your product or service is effective.

18.3. Use expert testimonials

Use expert testimonials to show that others in the industry believe in your product or service.

18.4. Use case studies

Use case studies to show real-world examples of how your product or service has helped others.

18.5. Use a professional design

Use a professional and well-designed website to show that you take your business seriously and that you are committed to providing a high-quality product or service.

18.6. Use clear and transparent pricing

Use clear and transparent pricing to show that you are upfront and honest about the cost of your product or service.

18.7. Use a clear and comprehensive return policy

Use a clear and comprehensive return policy to show that you stand behind your product or service.

It’s important to note that creating a sense of believability should be done honestly and transparently and should be consistent across all the touchpoints of the customer journey. Also, highlighting the most recent and relevant validation will be more impactful.

19. Creating A Sense of Value

Creating a sense of value on your website can be an important strategy for conversion rate optimization (CRO) because it can increase the perceived value of your product or service, which can lead to more conversions. Here are some ways to create a sense of value on your website to improve CRO:

19.1. Highlight unique features and benefits

 Make sure that the unique features and benefits of your product or service are highlighted on your website.

19.2. Use comparisons

Use comparisons to show how your product or service is better or more affordable than similar products or services.

19.3. Use customer testimonials

Use customer testimonials to show how your product or service has provided value to others.

19.4. Use money-back guarantees

Use money-back guarantees to show that you are confident in the value of your product or service.

19.5. Use limited-time offers

 Use limited-time offers to create a sense of urgency and show that there is a limited opportunity to take advantage of the value that your product or service provides.

19.6. Use packaging and bundles

Use packaging and bundles to offer more value for the customer, this can be a good way to increase the perceived value of your product or service.

19.7. Use upselling and cross-selling

Use upselling and cross-selling to offer more value to the customer, this can be a good way to increase the perceived value of your product or service.

It’s important to note that creating a sense of value should be consistent across all the touchpoints of the customer journey, and it should be communicated in a clear and easy-to-understand way, highlighting the unique features and benefits that your product or service provides.

20. Building A Sense of Identity

Creating a sense of identity on your website can be an important strategy for conversion rate optimization (CRO) because it can increase brand loyalty and trust, which can lead to more conversions. Here are some ways to create a sense of identity on your website to improve CRO:

conversion rate optimization best practice
Logo, voice, color, and so on - make a sense of identity for brand

20.1. Use a consistent visual identity

Use a consistent visual identity across your website, including colors, fonts, logos, and imagery.

20.2. Use a consistent tone of voice

Use a consistent tone of voice across your website, including the language and messaging you use.

20.3. Show what you stand for

Show what your company stands for and the values that it represents.

20.4. Use storytelling

Use storytelling to create an emotional connection with your audience and communicate your company’s identity.

20.5. Use a consistent customer experience

Use a consistent customer experience across all touchpoints of the customer journey.

20.6. Use a consistent message

Use a consistent message across all marketing channels, including social media, email marketing, and advertising.

20.7. Show the people behind the brand

Show the people behind the brand and let customers know who they are interacting with.

It’s important to note that creating a sense of identity should be authentic and it should align with the values and expectations of your target audience. This can help to build trust and loyalty which can ultimately lead to more conversions.


It’s important to note that these are the conversion rate optimization best practices as the general tips and the specific ways to improve conversion rate. The practices may vary depending on the type of website and the target audience. And also testing and analyzing the result is important to find out what is working for you.

Now it IS your turn on the practices and how you may go with the specific conversion marketing plan according to your business feature. Cheers to growing better and better your online business.

About the Author Swapken Team

Swapken Team is organized and led by a small group of conversion marketing enthusiasts. It loves to publish content that works for bloggers, small business entrepreneurs, and eCommerce owners. In the fast-evolving marketing arena, swapping actionable ken is its motto. It is curiously passionate to dig out "what's working" in the way of online business marketing with powerful tools, software, or platforms for better traffic and conversion.

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